Tel Aviv Museum of Art – “Desktop: Artists During COVID-19”

In Israel, the situation is easing again. In the second lockdown, however, our ArtCard partner museum, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art also remained closed for a long time. But during this time, too, the question was raised as to what role art could play in the pandemic and where it could even take place.

To answer this question, the museum asked numerous Israeli artists to show their studios, their materials, and the place where art is usually created— the desktop—in short films they made themselves. The term refers to both the top of a desk and the working area of a computer screen. Many incredibly intimate portraits were created, which not only bring art closer to us, but also the people who make it. Although the contributions are mostly in Hebrew, this is a must-see experiment that gives astonishing insights into the Israeli art scene—even for an international audience.

Artists During COVID-19

Online exhibition
Tel Aviv Museum of Art