This category contains the following articles
- Kunstsammlung NRW - Everyone is an artist. Cosmopolitan exercises with Joseph Beuys
- Royal Academy of Arts - David Hockney: The Arrival of Spring, Normandy, 2020
- Beuys at the PalaisPopulaire - Early works from the Deutsche Bank Collection
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Fabian Marti, Untitled, 2011
- Back in Town - Frieze New York Launched in New Format
- Tate Britain - Lynette Yiadom-Boakye: Fly In League With The Night
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Jo�o Maria Gusm�o + Pedro Paiva
- Museum f�r Fotografie - America 1970s/80s: Hofer, Metzner, Meyerowitz, Newton
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Beat Zoderer, Polygon I-VI, 2019
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Yto Barrada, Autocar - Tangier, 2004
- Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt - Gilbert & George: The Great Exhibition
- Sammlung Goetz at Haus der Kunst - Cyrill Lachauer. I am not sea, I am not land
- Kunsthalle Z�rich - Pati Hill: Something other than either
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Karla Knight, Spaceship Note (The Fantastic Universe), 2020
- ICA Boston - "i�m yours: Encounters with Art in Our Times"
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Lada Nakonechna, Merge Visible. Composition No. 45, 2016
- Tel Aviv Museum of Art - "Desktop: Artists During COVID-19"
- Ways of Seeing Abstraction: Tobias Rehberger, Ohne Titel, 2000
- Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet the Artist
- New Museum - "Grief and Grievance: Art and Mourning in America"
- Painter. Rebel. Teacher. - K.H. H�dicke at the PalaisPopulaire
Kunsthalle Z�rich
Pati Hill: Something other than either
Pati Hill
(1921-2014) was an extraordinary artist and writer, yet she is still
scarcely known in Europe. As a young woman, Hill was a successful
fashion model who made it all the way to the cover of the Elle. In the
early 1960s, she began to create a conceptual and poetic oeuvre that
spanned over 60 years and involved various disciplines. Though she
received no art training, she was a pioneer of copy art
and, since the early 1970s, used a photocopier as an artistic medium,
creating hundreds of feminist works. In addition to her extensive
xerographic work, she published four novels, her memoirs. and artist
books, and also wrote poems and short stories.
In 1977, on a transatlantic flight, Hill met the legendary designer and architect Charles Eames, who through his consulting work for the IT company IBM finally gave her access to her long-awaited dream copier. With this office copy machine she reproduced household objects, diagrams, and book pages, using them to create visual essays on the relationship between image and language and the role of the housewife. The exhibition at Kunsthalle Z�rich, one of Deutsche Bank’s ArtCard partner museums, also presents her novels and publications in which she combined her texts and images to create small Gesamtkunstwerke. The design and self-publishing scene still reveres her for these works today.
Pati Hill:
Something other than either
until May 2, 2021
Kunsthalle Z�rich
In 1977, on a transatlantic flight, Hill met the legendary designer and architect Charles Eames, who through his consulting work for the IT company IBM finally gave her access to her long-awaited dream copier. With this office copy machine she reproduced household objects, diagrams, and book pages, using them to create visual essays on the relationship between image and language and the role of the housewife. The exhibition at Kunsthalle Z�rich, one of Deutsche Bank’s ArtCard partner museums, also presents her novels and publications in which she combined her texts and images to create small Gesamtkunstwerke. The design and self-publishing scene still reveres her for these works today.
Pati Hill:
Something other than either
until May 2, 2021
Kunsthalle Z�rich